For Caregivers

Caregivers help others with things they are unable to do for themselves.  They could be family, neighbors, friends, or just acquaintances.  If you help your mother remember to take her medications and follow up with her medical appointments, or if your neighbor assists your father by taking him to buy groceries, you and your neighbor are caregivers.

The Boxwood Alliance presents a number of caregiver resource links in this section.  In particular, we highlight the help and information that the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services has created for caregivers who want to care for their loved ones in a safe and caring environment for as long as possible.  You will find links to those Family Caregiver Support Guides here. 

In this section are tips for finding the support that caregivers need in order to maintain quality of life for themselves and their loved ones.  Most important, caregivers don’t have to do everything all by themselves, but they do have to remember to take care of themselves too.   

Here are some community-based Supportive Services from Westchester County For Our Families and Friends:

A Guide for Caregivers:  What you need to know       
Care Circles of Westchester
Caregiver Coaching
Caregiver Full Service Centers
Caregiver Resource Centers
Respite Services and Caregiver Support Groups
Westchester County Office for Senior Services & Programs
New York State Office of the Aging

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