Geriatric Care Management

What is a Geriatric Care Manager?  

Also known as Aging Life Care Professionals, geriatric care managers, usually licensed nurses or social workers who specialize in geriatrics, are a sort of “professional relative” who can help you and your family to identify needs and find ways to meet your needs.  These specially trained professionals can help find resources to make your daily life easier. They will work with you to form a long term plan and find the services you need.  Go to to search for a local provider.

What Do Geriatric Care Managers Do?  Geriatric care managers:

  • Discuss difficult topics and complex issues
  • Make home visits and suggest needed services
  • Address emotional concerns
  • Make short- and long-term plans
  • Evaluate in-home care needs
  • Select care personnel
  • Coordinate medical services
  • Evaluate other living arrangements
  • Provide caregiver stress relief

The cost of an initial evaluation varies and may be expensive, but depending on your family circumstances, geriatric care managers might offer a useful service to help family members stay in touch. Geriatric care managers charge by the hour. Most insurance plans don’t cover these costs, and Medicare does not pay for this service. You will probably have to pay for this service.

Depending on the plan developed, they will be able to refer you to other professionals who can help with legal, medical,  re-location or other assistance.

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